Quels sont les services de JFL Media à Montréal ?
Formation privée ou en entreprise Photoshop, Illustrator, Marketing web SEO Google analytics à Montréal Québec, Ottawa, Rive-sud rive nord Lanaudière.
Que pensez-vous de JFL Media (Montréal) ?
- par Igor C.
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- 8th March, 2019
Recommandez-vous JFL Media ce Traducteurs à Montréal ?
What a great experience. 2 years in a row having training with JFL, and there's no problem without a solution for these guys. Had 2 fantastic instructors coming direct to my office, with really flexible hours. Keep up the good work and good prices! Thanks a lot!
- par Leslie O.
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- 14th November, 2017
Que pensez-vous des services de JFL Media ce Traducteurs à Montréal ?
Great company. Teacher was very well versed in program that he was teaching us. It was a great 3 hours, well spent. i am that much closer to understanding how to use Sketch up
- par Paola V.
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- 15th September, 2019
Avez-vous aimé votre visite de JFL Media ce Traducteurs à Montréal ?
Thank you for everything. It was very helpful
- par Santiago C.
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- 26th August, 2019
Comment JFL Media ce Traducteurs vous à servi à Montréal ?
Very Professional, tailored training in Social Media. Will definitely take Photoshop when the time is right. Staff extremely helpful. Thank you guys!