Centrix One

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  • 4.1 10 ratings

What are Centrix One 's services in Boucherville ?

CRM Marketing tout-en-un. Simple. Intuitif Abordable. Gestion des contacts et des comptes, fiche client, campagnes courriels, automatisation. CRM Gratuit

What do you think about Centrix One (Boucherville) ?

Christiane C.,WebMetric
  • by Christiane C.
  • |
  • 26th October, 2020

Will you recommend Centrix One a Training Shopify in Boucherville ?

An excellent Quebec product and very easy to use.

Julie G.,WebMetric
  • by Julie G.
  • |
  • 15th December, 2020

What do you think about Centrix One a Training Shopify services provided in Boucherville ?

Thank you to Centrix One for the great opportunities to bring me closer to my customers by offering them personalized 5-star service.

Métro S.,WebMetric
  • by Métro S.
  • |
  • 11th September, 2020

Did you like your visit with Centrix One a Training Shopify in Boucherville ?

Outstanding service and kindness Thank you Centrix One for this great tool.

Valérie M.,WebMetric
  • by Valérie M.
  • |
  • 6th November, 2020

How did Centrix One this Training Shopify served you in Boucherville ?

I am very comfortable referring François, who offers personalized service and is able to fully understand clients' needs.

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