Frédéric Lavoie Photographe Vidéographe

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What are Frédéric Lavoie Photographe Vidéographe 's services in Quebec City ?


What do you think about Frédéric Lavoie Photographe Vidéographe (Quebec City) ?

N B.,WebMetric
  • by N B.
  • |
  • 3rd September, 2016

Will you recommend Frédéric Lavoie Photographe Vidéographe a Photographer in Quebec City ?

Frédéric is super nice, patient, dynamic and talented! We are a family including grandparents, 16 photographed super satisfied.

Simon G.,WebMetric
  • by Simon G.
  • |
  • 28th November, 2020

What do you think about Frédéric Lavoie Photographe Vidéographe a Photographer services provided in Quebec City ?

Very friendly and great service!

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